Stay & Play groups offer a safe and friendly place where parents can enjoy some play time with their children. These sessions also give parents the chance to meet up with other parents and come to a better understanding of their child’s play and behaviour. Stay & Play also gives young children the chance to play alongside/with others as a valuable experience before going on to playgroup or nursery.
Sessions include free play, craft, snack time and singing.
I come to this group because the people are so friendly. I could go to the group up the road from me but I love it here.
Stay & Play runs at:
Hesters Way Baptist Church GL51 0DH Ashlands Road
Tuesdays from 9.30 to 11.00
St Barnabas Church, Orchard Way GL51 7JY
Wednesdays from 9.00-10.30
Oasis Centre (off Coronation Square) GL51 7SY
Thursdays from 9.30-11.00am.
Referral form to Stay & Play or young mums support group