YMCA Cheltenham Corporate Sponsor Banner

Allow us to become your ‘Charity of the Year’ and we will ensure you get the very best from the relationship.

GIVE Money


  • Enrol in a Payroll Giving Scheme
  • Volunteer to help with one of our projects
  • Encourage staff to join a fundraising event like our Sleep Easy sleepout
  • Host your own company fundraising event
GIVE Items
  • Donate goods from your company
  • Collect items to create ‘move in’ or ‘move on’ packs for our young people
  • Donate clothing or other goods to our local YMCA charity shops
GIVE Opportunities
  • Volunteer to help with one of our projects
  • Encourage staff to join a fundraising event like our Sleep Easy sleepout
  • Host your own company fundraising event

Here are some of the many benefits a corporate partnership with YMCA Cheltenham could include:

YMCA Cheltenham Staff Engagement

Staff Engagement

Opportunity for staff engagement to increase morale and motivation, attract new talent and keep staff retention rates high.

YMCA Cheltenham - Volunteering


A range of meaningful volunteering opportunities locally.

YMCA Cheltenham Brand Association

Brand Engagement

Enhanced brand reputation with customers, suppliers and the wider local community.

YMCA Cheltenham Public Relations

Public Relations

Involvement with a charity can create some great PR and marketing opportunities.

YMCA Cheltenham - Social Media

Social Media

Enhance your profile with positive content.


Client Engagement

Reach out to your customers with a positive message about your involvement with a local youth charity

We would love to show you what we’re doing in your area and explore ways we could collaborate.

