I watch the horror unfolding
The terror of brother against brother
The threat to the world
One man’s desire to have everything
Lent has begun – a time of giving up
A time of prayer
A time of contemplation
A time leading to
Celebration, Death and Resurrection
My prayer is for peace
Peace and hope for all
For humanity to live
True to themselves
Disciples of Christ
My Lord lived in a turbulent world
A people conquered, held down
I do not hear of any violence from Him
But hear of protest given with love
He opened his arms to everyone
He knew where His path lay
Into the centre of the maelstrom of prejudice and violence
He accepted it all – the jeers, the cruelty
All He did was grieve for the perpetrators’ loss
He hung in that place of hate
And spoke words of love until overcome by death
And yet,
And yet from that place
Came joy and hope to change
People came to stand
Where He had stood in peace
Until death and life eternal began
4 March 2022
Ukraine Invasion by Russia
Francesca Tolond
Trustee of YMCA Cheltenham, UK
Using our proven experience and impact on peace work projects, YMCA Europe has the capacity to lead the response in supporting YMCA Ukraine short, medium and long term.
YMCAs in Ukraine and our colleagues are already suffering the consequences of this unpredictable crisis. As an immediate action we are launching this fundraising campaign which will allow us to mobilise resources and meet what in all likelihood will be massive needs (refugee support, rehabilitation of facilities etc.) in our YMCAs in Ukraine and the communities they serve.