YMCA Cheltenham
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About YMCA Cheltenham

YMCA believes in fairness and opportunity.

There are essential building blocks for a full and rewarding life: 

A safe home; acceptance; guidance; friendship; physical and mental health; academic support; employment skills; and access to real opportunities.

Many young people have never known these things; other people have lost one or more as they grew up, but we all need them.

All of us. At YMCA, we provide these critical foundations for a fresh, strong start for young people and a better quality of life in the community.

Test Test.

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We believe every person should be able to develop their full potential in body, mind and spirit




This year we have provided in excess of 51,500 nights of safe and supported accommodation to those in significant need across Cheltenham and Gloucester — as well as providing good quality, affordable accommodation to 31 residents through our James Smith Row and Dulverton Court properties.

When we measure the impact of our support on the vulnerable people in our care, we take into account the destination that people go to when they leave our services. This is known as ‘move-on’.
We consider a ‘move-on’ to be positive if we have helped people move on to independence, or to a destination that is likely to prevent further homelessness in a person’s future.
In the areas that YMCA Cheltenham works, Positive Move-on is an essential metric, as the majority of people who come to us are facing significant life barriers,

such as long-standing addiction, or have suffered abuse in many forms, or catastrophic circumstances, or otherwise extraordinarily difficult or chaotic life histories.



St Michaels House - Gloucester


Potter's Place - Gloucester


Vittoria Walk - Cheltenham


Caridas House - Gloucester


Jubilee House - Cheltenham

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The support I have received has been life changing. Living at St Michael’s has not only improved my mental health but it has helped me to focus on my career goals.


– Jayden, YMCA Cheltenham Resident


noun [ee-thos, ee-thohs, eth-os, -ohs]

The guiding beliefs of a person, group or organisation

YMCA Cheltenham is an independent Christian charity, affiliated to the national and international YMCA Movement. The ethos of the YMCA Movement is based on mutual acceptance of the Paris Basis of 1855, and is incorporated into the Memorandum of Association of YMCA Cheltenham, namely:

“The YMCA is a Christian movement which seeks to unite those who, regarding Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be His disciples in their faith and in their life, and to associate their efforts for the extension of His Kingdom.


YMCA Cheltenham’s own Mission Statement was prepared by the “LAUNDE” internal review in 1999 and then reviewed in 2002:

“YMCA Cheltenham is a Christian organisation. Central to our aims are Christian values and service. Our main objective is meeting the needs of young people and creating personal development opportunities for all.

The objects of the organisation flow directly from our Christian beliefs and ethos, and these are:

  • To unite those who, regarding Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be His disciples in their faith and in their life, and to associate their efforts for the extension of His Kingdom.
  • To lead young people to the Lord Jesus Christ and to fullness of life in Him.
  • To provide or assist in the provision, in the interests of social welfare, of facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation for men and women with the object of improving their conditions of life.
  • To provide or assist in the provision of education for persons of all ages with the object of developing their physical, mental or spiritual capacities.
  • To relieve or assist in the relief of persons of all ages who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress by reason of their social, physical or economic circumstances.
  • To provide residential accommodation for persons of all ages who are in need, hardship or distress by reason of their social, physical or economic circumstances.

It is clear from these statements that the Christian faith is the foundation on which the YMCA Movement is built, not just in England, but across the world. Since 1844, YMCAs have been known as Christian organisations and places of Christian hospitality. In order to use the YMCA name and branding with integrity, the Christian faith must remain at the heart of everything we do – something to which YMCA Cheltenham is totally committed.

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We are driven by the good we do




Founded in 1855, YMCA Cheltenham has been a major provider of accommodation, sports facilities and youth work for more than 165 years and, holding fast to our Christian roots and ethos, we aim to work with the whole person – body, mind and spirit.

YMCA Cheltenham has always provided opportunities and services suitable for the day. Being an independent local charity, we know what the local community needs and we are able to respond quickly to those ever-changing needs. Currently, YMCA Cheltenham focuses on three main areas of work


We have four housing projects where we provide safe and secure accommodation for over 150 people who were formerly homeless or living in unsuitable accommodation. Our experienced support teams work closely with each resident to develop the skills necessary to live unsupported in the community. Some of our residents may have suffered abuse (physical, emotional, sexual), others may have a history of alcohol dependence or substance misuse, and for some it may simply be a case of needing the space and time to recover from a traumatic relationship break-up before picking up the pieces and moving on with their lives.

Whatever the reason for being with us, each person is treated as an individual and encouraged to reach their full potential in all areas of their lives.

Activities for residents

A range of activities are provided including regular visits to our own Sports Centre in Cheltenham to play football and use the fitness suite; a variety of arts and creative classes where residents are given the opportunity to discover talents that they were not aware they had or rediscover those that had long been dormant. We have some very talented artists living with us at the moment!

“Third Letter Group”

A popular group is the Wednesday “Third Letter Group” where residents explore the meaning behind the “C” in YMCA – our Christian roots and ethos. Bible study is held as well as discussions on a variety of topics aided by volunteers from local churches.

Affordable accommodation

We have two affordable accommodation projects Dulverton Court and James Smith Row, both in west Cheltenham. These provide high quality accommodation at affordable prices and are aimed at those who are in regular employment or further education. Dulverton Court comprises 21 apartments finished to a high specification and we hope they will go some way towards easing the current shortage of affordable housing for single people in Cheltenham.

Health and wellbeing

At the YMCA Cheltenham Sports Centre in College Drive, Cheltenham, we provide a range of organised activities and classes, catering for the very young through to the not so young! Basketball, martial arts, table tennis and badminton are some of the activities available to young people, and for the older ones we have our very popular EnergYse fitness classes (for the over 50s), walking football, table tennis, short tennis and badminton. We also have a small fitness suite with a range of equipment.

Friendly and welcoming

Our sports centre is friendly and welcoming. Not only is it a place to focus on getting and staying fit, but it provides a community network and support for those who, for example, have suffered family bereavement, or are recovering from stroke and other conditions. For many, it is an important time for interaction, perhaps an oasis in the middle of the week from the responsibility of caring for a loved one. Our membership and class fees are kept intentionally low as we want our facilities to be available to all who want to join us.

Our Sports Centre is also available for community groups and individuals to hire, whether that is for a regular weekly netball, cricket or football training session, or a little one’s birthday party. For more details, email the fitness manager or contact us.

Youth and community work

Together with our partners, we provide a range of community activities for young people in various places around the town during school holidays and at other times. We have a mobile sports cage where fast and furious games of football and other sports take place, whilst our experienced youth workers engage with those who are waiting their turn.

Body, mind and spirit

We truly believe that positive activities are a way of promoting health and wellbeing, not just for the body, but regular sport and creative activities can also make a huge difference to someone suffering from depression or other mental health problems. This, together with our Christian ethos, provides for body, mind and spirit – three elements in equal measure creating the perfect balance.

Although some of our activities have changed over the years as the needs of the local community have changed, our Christian ethos has not changed, but has remained consistent throughout many decades. We sincerely hope that this is a legacy which will continue for many decades to come.

YMCA Leadership

Get to know YMCA Cheltenham’s management and senior leadership

Senior Leadership Team
Upper Management
John Ingles

John Ingles

Head of Housing, Policy & Performance

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Karen Brown

Karen Brown

Pathway Home Senior Manager

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Rob Charsley

Rob Charsley

Head of Health & Wellbeing

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Dave Hemmings

Dave Hemmings

Head of Property and Maintenance

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Jo Smith Wood

Jo Smith Wood

Senior Executive Assistant

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Millie Barnes

Millie Barnes

Pre-School Manager

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Joel Layton

Joel Layton

Sports Centre Manager

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Linda Grice

Linda Grice

Feed Cheltenham Lead

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YMCA through the years

YMCA is the largest and oldest youth charity in the world. On 6 June 1844, 22 year-old draper George Williams joined 11 friends to organise the first Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), a refuge of Bible study and prayer for young men seeking escape from the hazards of life on the streets of London.

Today, YMCA has grown to serve more than 65 million people in 120 countries regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation or socio-economic background.

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YMCA was founded by Sir George Williams – a worker in the drapery trade in London. Concerned about the welfare of his fellow workers, he started a prayer and bible study group. This soon grew and attracted men from across London.

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YMCA begins to address other concerns of young men working in the cities. Public lectures and education classes are developed. Reading rooms and refreshment areas help young men to adjust to urban life.

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YMCA spreads outside London and branches are set up in Manchester and Leeds.

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The YMCA in Cheltenham was formed by prominent leaders of local churches in the town.


Internationally, the idea of creating a global organisation was pioneered by Henry Dunant, who would later go on to found the International Committee of the Red Cross. He convinced YMCA Paris to organise the first YMCA ‘World Conference’. The conference produced the ‘Paris Basis’ – an agreement about the aims of YMCA which is still in place today. It also saw the launch of an international committee and headquarters, which would become the World Alliance of YMCAs

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The American YMCA invented basketball and then

went on to invent volleyball in 1895.

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During the First World War, YMCA provided a range of support to troops. YMCA huts provided soldiers with food and a place to rest both on the frontline and at home in military camps and railway stations.


YMCA embarked on a massive education programme for soldiers, which eventually became the Army Education Corps.


The red poppy was introduced by an American YMCA worker and went on to become a worldwide symbol of remembrance for those lost in combat.

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During the Second World War, YMCA introduced mobile canteens, bringing refreshments to the troops. It also supported displaced people, refugees and prisoners of war.

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Y Care International, the overseas development agency of YMCA in the UK and Ireland is established. Today it supports projects for vulnerable young people in over 20 countries worldwide.

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YMCA has over 58 million members in 119 countries worldwide. Since it was established, YMCA has adapted to the changing needs of young people.

Today YMCA works with men and women regardless of age, race, religion or culture. In every corner of the world, YMCA is helping people to build a future and improve their lives.

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