YMCA Cheltenham
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Become a Roomsponsor

This is no place for a young person!

Thousands of young people are at risk of homelessness every week across England and Wales.

As a RoomSponsor, you can help provide a safe place for young people at risk of homelessness.


Surge in the number of young people on the streets


Young people aged 16-24 were homeless or at risk of homelessness in the UK


Of homelessness cases were not successfully dealt with by local authorities

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This is no place for a young person!

Thousands of young people are at risk of homelessness every week across England and Wales.

Out in the cold, nowhere to call home. Young people facing homelessness in your area urgently need help.

As the nights draw in, we urgently need your support to get young people out of the cold, and into a place at YMCA, so we can break the cycle of homelessness.

At YMCA, we provide these critical foundations for a fresh, strong start for young people and a better quality of life in the community.

Become a room sponsor

We provide a safe place for young people


We’ve increased our support to young people by 16% (comparing 2021 -2022)


We support 10,600 young people ages 16-24 every year


We have successfully supported 4,905 Young people into independent living

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Ray's Story

After the relationship with his family broke down, Ray found himself homeless.


He wanted nothing more for Christmas, than to have a roof over his head, where he was safe.

Instead, Ray was living in an abandoned car where he was bitterly cold, where he had nowhere to wash and barely anything to eat and subsequently fell seriously ill, being admitted to hospital with a kidney infection.

Become a Room Sponsor
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Thankfully, YMCA were able to provide Ray with a room.

Ray received the support he needed to start to build a more stable future.

Ray, with support of YMCA, has been to college, and is now training to be a security guard.

“To actually come into a room, with a bath I could use and a bed I could sleep in was amazing – for the first time in years I wasn’t scared anymore.”

Become a room sponsor
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You can help a young person like Ray

How your donations are helping young people

At YMCA, we give young people the tools they need to create a secure and hopeful future for themselves. Your donation can help provide:

  • A place to call home in a warm and nurturing community
  • Mental health support, counselling and mentoring
  • Practical courses to teach skills such as budgeting and cooking
  • Opportunities to gain skills, qualifications and employment
Become a room sponsor
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Become a Roomsponsor

As a RoomSponsor, you can help provide a safe place for young people at risk of homelessness.


We’ve tried to answer some of the more frequently asked questions about gifts in Wills here. You’ll find more detailed information in our free Will Guide, and if you’d like to talk in confidence with Elizabeth, our Legacy Officer, she’d be delighted to hear from you.

If you have been a Roomsponsor prior to October 2018, you will remember that we had a log-in section, which allowed you to access the blog and see new posts.

We have removed this now to make it easier for you to view blog posts. The blog is still exclusive to Roomsponsors, we will not be sharing the website address with anyone outside of the scheme. If you have opted to receive emails notifying you of new blog posts, you will still receive these as usual. If you have any questions about the new blog style please contact supporter services on supporterservices@ymca.org.uk or call 020 7186 9518

You can become a Roomsponsor for just £12 a month. That’s less than 40p a day – less than a packet of crisps, a first class stamp or a packet of chewing gum.

The true cost of providing accommodation and ongoing support to help young people reach their full potential is far more than we can expect one person to give, which is why we need to continue to recruit generous Roomsponsors.

You will receive a special welcome pack introducing you to some of the vulnerable young people you’re helping.

You will also receive regular updates from young people living at YMCA’s, as well as newsletters and fundraising communications about other ways in which you can support our work.

If you would like to stop these communications please either email us at roomsponsor@ymca.org.uk or call us on 020 7186 9518.

Yes, you can give more than £12 a month if you would like to.  However, to keep administration costs to a minimum, you will receive the same amount of feedback.  Don’t worry though, we will be providing updates on more than one young person so you can see how your support is helping.

You are given the option to donate £12, £24 or £36 per month when you click on the link to become a Roomsponsor.

If you are an existing Roomsponsor contact our Supporter Services team to increase your gift at supporterservices@ymca.org.uk or call 020 7186 9518.

No. You will join with thousands of other generous Roomsponsors who chose to help support vulnerable young people with a regular monthly gift.

Your generous gift isn’t limited to one specific room. You are helping to fund all of YMCA’s work with young vulnerable people, across England & Wales. Rest assured your money will be used wherever the need is greatest.

We’re proud to be supporting over 10,600 young people in England & Wales. But we could do more with your help.